South Luangwa is renowned as the birthplace of the walking safari, offering immersive experiences to explore the bush on foot with expert guides.
With its high density of leopards and other wildlife, South Luangwa is a prime destination for safaris, particularly night drives.
South Luangwa is also known for having one of the highest concentrations of wildlife in Africa, with large populations of animals like elephants, buffalo, leopards, and the endemic Thornicroft’s giraffe. The park features a combination of open grassy plains, mature woodlands, and the meandering Luangwa River, providing a diverse range of habitats for a wide variety of species.
Despite Zambia’s growing popularity as a safari destination, South Luangwa has retained its essence of true wilderness, remaining relatively untouched by modern development. This allows it to provide a more unpredictable and exhilarating safari experience.
Nocturnal Wildlife Viewing: The park offers both day and evening game drives, allowing visitors to witness the park’s nocturnal wildlife, which is unique compared to many other African safari destinations.
Rare and Endemic Species: South Luangwa is home to several rare and endemic species, such as the Thornicroft’s giraffe, Cookson’s wildebeest, and Crawshay’s zebra, which cannot be found elsewhere.