Kibale Forest


Chimpanzee tracking destination

Kibale’s premier attraction is the Kanyanchu Primate Walk, offering the opportunity to seek out thirteen different primate species, with a variety of diurnal monkeys frequently observed. However, the true highlights of this walk are the chimpanzees. Since 1993, the Kanyanchu chimpanzees have been closely monitored, significantly increasing the likelihood of sightings. Guided walks are available at 8:00 AM and 2:00 PM, typically lasting around three hours, subject to various conditions.

This consistently popular primate walk allows visitors to observe chimpanzees in their natural habitat. The chimpanzee groups in Kanyanchu are well accustomed to human presence, with some having been observed for over 25 years, ensuring a sighting probability of over 90%. Walks depart from the Kanyanchu Visitor Centre at 8:00 AM, 11:00 AM, and 2:00 PM, lasting between two to five hours. Early arrival for registration and briefing is recommended. Interaction time with the chimpanzees is limited to one hour, with group sizes capped at six participants, who must be at least 16 years old. Advance booking is essential.

Kibale is a biologically rich region that also hosts over 120 other mammal species, including baboons, elephants, and antelopes. The forest is home to approximately 370 bird species, including 23 Albertine Rift endemics such as Nahan’s francolin, Cassin’s spinetail, blue-headed bee-eater, and lowland masked apalis.

The most notable among Kibale’s primate population is the surge of about 1,500 chimpanzees, divided into at least a dozen different communities, with four habituated to human presence. The Kanyantale community has been tracked by tourists daily since 1993.


Bird Watching
Chimpanzee Tracking