Ngorongoro Conservation Area


Game Drives, Wildlife Safaris

If you are drawn to dramatic landscapes, rich wildlife, and significant cultural and historical sites, Ngorongoro Conservation Area is likely to be a highly enjoyable destination for you. It offers a more contained and intense wildlife experience compared to the vast expanses of the Serengeti, making it a perfect complement to a visit to both locations.

The area is rich in archaeological sites, including Olduvai Gorge, which has yielded crucial evidence of human evolution and human-environment dynamics over a span of almost four million years.

The area is inhabited by the Maasai people, who have traditionally been the custodians of the land. Visitors can engage with the Maasai culture through various activities such as cultural dance performances and traditional music.

The area offers a range of accommodation options, from luxury lodges to camping sites. Visitors can engage in various activities such as game viewing, hiking, and birdwatching, making it a popular destination for tourists.

Overall, Ngorongoro Conservation Area is a unique and fascinating destination that offers a blend of natural beauty, cultural richness, and historical significance, making it a must-visit for any traveler to Tanzania.