Kilimanjaro Machame Route Itinerary

  • Tanzania


Kilimanjaro Airport to Moshi

A brief 40 minutes from Kilimanjaro International Airport, and bypassing magnificent views of Kilimanjaro, Moshi is a small, clean town at the railhead from Dar es Salaam – the distance from Arusha, Tanzania’s second town is only 72km/45 miles. Moshi offers the visitor some of the best coffee in Tanzania, bustling markets, and colorful street vendors. At the hotel, you will be briefed prior to your climb. We offer very pleasant mid-range to luxury hotels within walking distance of town centers.

Total Distance from airport to Moshi: 41km/25.2miles; to Arusha: 58km/36miles.

Accommodation: 3-4 star based on bed and breakfast

7 Day Itinerary

Traveling back along the Arusha Road and turning up the Machame Road offers you some spectacular views of the mountain (when he has his hat off); a distance of 32 km. Upon entrance into Kilimanjaro National Park at Machame gate (park fees already included) you begin the trek along a tropical rainforest to Machame Camp where tents and a warm meal will be waiting for you; distance: 12 km/7 miles; length of time: 5-7 hours. You may encounter the local wildlife, including monkeys and exotic birds. You will be starting your ascent of Mt. Kilimanjaro, climbing gradually along a well-trod path. The walk will cover 12km or 7 miles and take between 5 and 7 hours. Depending on the time of year, it may also be wet if you are in an extended rainy season.

Final elevation: 2850m/9,350 ft

Terrain: Forest trail

Accommodation: tents (provided)


Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner

Shira Camp 2 sits on the Eastern edge of the Shira Plateau. It is the first camp at which altitude sickness might start to be felt. Everyone reacts differently to altitude sickness and no reaction is predictable. However, this route offers a remedy through acclimatization as you will see by day 4. It also provides stunning views across the Kilimanjaro valley below; distance: 5 km/3 miles, length of time: 5-6 hours. Walking through scrubland you cross the Shira Plateau and pass by the mountain cactus growing at this height.

Final elevation: 3,847m/12620ft

Terrain: Alpine

Accommodation: Tents (provided)


Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner

The Lava Tower, a large rock formation created when Kilimanjaro was still an active volcano, rises high above the plateau. Kili hasn’t erupted for 150,000 years and is now dormant. The climate and Terrain are high alpines. Your walking now will be slower. Above 4200m your body is not getting as much oxygen as it needs. The descent to Barranco Camp from the Lava Tower allows you to acclimatize before your ascent to Karanga Camp. Rule of thumb: climb high, sleep low! The total distance is 10km (6mi.) and taking about 5-7 hours the walk is through some of Kilimanjaro’s most spectacular landscapes.

Distance Shira 2 Camp to Lava Tower: 7 km/4 miles

Length of Time: 5 hours

Final elevation: 4630m/15,190 ft

Terrain: Alpine/Arctic

Distance Lava Tower to Barranco Camp: 3 km/2 miles

Length of Time: 2-3 hours

Final elevation: 3975m/13,044 ft

Terrain: Alpine

Accommodation: Tents (provided)


Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner

You are now ascending into the arctic zone. Here it’s a good idea to keep several handkerchiefs as noses begin to run! We trek from Barranco to Karanga Camp; distance: 3 km/2 miles; length of Time: 2-3 hours. This allows for acclimatization as both camps are nearly at the same altitude. Although there is a moderate level of difficulty as you trek the Barranco Wall, the views are stunning. You will be scrambling over rocky mountain terrain, getting yourself ready for the final ascent. You will be in need of a rest when you reach Karanga Camp! Next stop, Barafu Camp.

Final elevation: 3994m/13106 ft

Climate and Terrain: Arctic

Accommodation: Tents (provided)

Activity duration may vary


Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner

Barafu is the last camp before the peak. You are well into the arctic zone now. This stage is for true adventurers. Your ascent will be over loose shale: distance: 3 km/2 miles; length of time: 2-3 hours. At this altitude, your walking pace will have slowed considerably to compensate for low oxygen levels. You will get some well-earned rest early in the afternoon for your final night-time ascent to the summit. The landscape is truly arctic now with no wildlife or vegetation.

Final elevation: 4672m/15330 ft

Climate: Arctic zone

Accommodation: Tents (provided)


Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner

From Barafu Camp you start your final ascent to the summit, Uhuru Peak at 5895m/19340 ft. Everest is 8848 meters or 29,030 ft. You will be less than 10,000 ft below the Everest summit! This will also be your longest day at 9-12 hours. Your climb starts late evening and climbing through the small hours of the morning you reach Stella Point for the most glorious sunrise over Kili’s sister peak, Mawenzi. Reaching this point at sunrise rewards you with a magnificent view over the mountain landscape – the ‘roof’ of Africa. After a time at the Uhuru peak for well-earned photos.

Barafu Camp to Uhuru Peak: 5895m/19340 ft

Distance: 5 km/3 miles

Length of Time: 7-8 hours

Climate/Terrain: Arctic zone

Uhuru Peak: 5895m/19341 ft to Mweka Camp: 3067m/10,065 ft

Distance: 12 km/7 miles

Length of Time: 4-6 hours

Accommodation: Tents (provided)


Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner

Time for well-earned rest and relaxation after a hot shower (no such luxury on the mountain!). Bed & breakfast with a return journey to the airport the following day. You will have the possibility of staying on a few extra days but this is not included. We will arrange details on request.


Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner

Pricing Details

Pricing Includes:
  • All Safari Activities
Pricing Excludes
  • International Flight Cost

Trip Hightlights


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